Here are the Mandalas I created.
In this Mandala I used an Analogous color scheme which included the use of Blue, Blue-Green, and Blue-Violet.
In this Mandala I used any color from the color wheel which I used all of the tints from the color wheel because I liked the brightness of all the colors.
In this mandala I used the Complimentary color scheme. I used all the shades of Green and Red from the color wheel.
In this Mandala I used the Monochromatic color scheme. This included all of the shades of Purple such as Violet, Blue-Violet, and Red-Violet from the color wheel.
In this Mandala I used the Split Complimentary scheme. This included the use of Yellow, Green, and Red-Violet from the color wheel.
In this Mandala I used the Triad scheme. This included the use of Yellow-Orange, Red-Violet, and Blue-Green from the color wheel.
I love the colors you picked and the placement of them all especially the last one